* Installing DockPlan on top of an existing DockPlan installation will not overwrite any data in an existing Database.
25. January 2019
Slightly updated import procedure
Bug Fixes:
The first time external documents was accesses on a drydocking, the document list would display attached documents twice.
5. August 2018
The internet service supplying online exchange rates to DockPlan is changed. The old service was discontinued by the service provider.
Bug Fixes:
Occasional connection errors when importing directly from the remote database.
Recommended Update
19. March 2018
Revised lookup of exchange rates on the internet for currencies used in DockPlan
Rebuild ‘Supplies’ tab on work orders
Revised Export/Import functionality
Spell checker on drydock report
Filter functionality on the Job List
Technical improvements and general bug fixing
Discipline assignment on jobs *)
Job Approval Conditions *)
*) There is an activation fee to enable two of the new features. These features can however remain inactive without issues, making the other improvements in DockPlan 5.92 free of charge. The activation fee for the two new features is EUR 28 pr. vessel.
20. Sept. 2017
If DockPlan were running in 'Online' mode when closed, it will attempt to start in 'Online' mode again at next startup. However if 'Online' mode is not available at next startup, the user would have to wait for the connection timeout to complete before being allowed to select 'Offline' mode. This has been changed by introducing a prompt at startup, allowing the user to remain in Online mode, or switch to Offline mode, prior to database connection is attempted. The connection prompt can be enabled and disabled in 'Settings'. If disabled, DockPlan behaves like before.
27. July 2017
Fixed issue with connecting to online database using existing ODBC connector from older DockPlan version.
27. June 2017
Minor technical improvements
1. May 2017
Bug Fixes:
An exported drydocking would occasionally refuse to import into another vessel, and instead import into the original vessel despite another vessel was selected as target.
28. March 2017
Improved response time when doing yard comparisons.
Cancelled quotations are now excluded from Yard Comparison.
Bug Fixes:
Yard Quotes would occasionally open without data when in Full-Screen mode.
21. Nov. 2016
Attached Word documents can now be converted to PDF during the attachment process. This will enable preview of the document inside DockPlan. It will speed up printing considerably and reduce the file size of exported drydockings.
The Import procedure now supports importing directly from the remote database, meaning that when running Offline dockings can be imported directly from the Online database, and vice versa when running Online.
Improved control over which jobs are individually locked when imported into DockPlan Vessel Client.
Minor overall improvements and fixes
Recommended Update
8. Nov. 2016
Automatic colour coding of job quotes that varies significantly between bidding shipyards.
Definition of default budget descriptions to be automatically preloaded on new drydockings.
Now includes Office 2013 Proofing tools to enable spell checking in DockPlan on systems not running MS-Office 2013.
Support for DockPlan licensing on yearly subscriptions.
Bug Fixes:
Response times improved for certain data retrieval processes. Will be noticeable on DockPlan systems with large amounts of data in the database.
Recommended Update
4. Sept. 2016
Significantly improved Yard Quotes module
Owners costs on jobs have been implemented in the Yard Quotes module, and can be specified individually for each job and shipyard
Direct access to each job's Specification of Repairs from within the Yard Quotes module
A flag on each job to indicate that quotation is complete for the job (from the supt's point of view)
Ability to view the superintendent's remarks for the individual quotes while comparing yards
Improved Yard Comparison view
Improved reports for Yard Quotes and Yard Comparison
Other improvements:
Ability to integrate photos into the text on both the specification, the report and the progress report
Controlled sorting of cost lines with the ability to individually arrange/move cost lines up and down in the list
Improved reporting in general - for instance a report showing the full detail of all expenses on the drydocking
Recommended Update
4. May 2016
Import/Export of drydocking. Previously DockPlan would replace documents on the existing docking with documents found in the import file, but that had some undesirable side effects. If for instance a docking with documents were exported with the option not to include documents, and then imported to an offline client, where the user assigned a document to a work order and exported the file again. If this file was imported into the online system, the work order would end up only containing the new document, whereas any existing would be lost.
This behaviour is now changed so that any existing documents remain on the original docking, in the event an import file contains other documents (or no documents), so that importing a drydocking will no longer cause documents to be lost, unless they were deliberately deleted on the offline client.
Based on recommendations from Microsoft, DockPlan now installs to the C:ProgramDataDockPlan folder.
Bug Fixes:
A bug in the 'Import Drydocking' procedure has been fixed
6. April 2016
Delay in response time when attaching documents on very large databases has been fixed.
15. Mar. 2016
With version 5.80 DockPlan has moved to a new platform, offering a number of new technical features:
A number of text fields in DockPlan now support text formatting like font- and colour selection, bold, italic, underline.
Spell checking has become operational again (Requires Office 2013 or newer on the client computer)
The separate DockPlan PDF Writer printer is discontinued. DockPlan now uses PDF capabilities built in to the new platform.
External documents and files attached to jobs are now stored within the database, rather than stored as separate files in a folder.
Documents and photos can now also be attached from the Progress Reporting dialog.
Individual sorting of Vessels Particulars has been implemented.
The user can now select to run DockPlan in full screen or windowed mode.
The export procedure now supports partial exports containing only a selection of work orders. This enables the user to produce very small export files provided the target computer already has a previous copy of the drydocking.
Both the import and export procedures have been completely rewritten. Most of the import/export logic is now handled by the database server rather than the DockPlan application.
DockPlan 5.80 performs significant modifications to the design of the database, causing the database to no longer be compatible with previous versions of DockPlan. Therefore all users must upgrade to DockPlan 5.80 in order to run in 'Online' mode on a 5.80 system. Furthermore please note that the modified database design also affects export files. While DockPlan 5.80 is capable of importing drydockings exported from previous versions of DockPlan, the previous versions of DockPlan will not import drydockings exported from DockPlan 5.80.
DockPlan 5.80 requires an upgraded license key. Users who already upgraded their license key in order to unlock the new features introduced with DockPlan 5.70 are ready for DockPlan 5.80, but users who have remained on their old license key must have the key upgraded before installing DockPlan 5.80.